The Cosmic Dance

As above, so below…

The Nataraja, the Cosmic Dance…

This is a familiar and ancient maxim that recognises the mundane art of living and our connection to the world around us under a spectacular starry sky. For millennia humans and every civilisation on earth have looked to the heavens for inspiration while searching for truths about their own existence. Through observation and study of the stars and planets they developed the basis of an astrological system by associating meaningful events and characteristics with their movements across the sky.

It’s through astrology that we have our early understanding of the solar system and its connection to us. Our ancestors observed wandering stars, later to be our planets and named them for the gods. The Babylonians, Mesopotamians, Indus, Greeks, Romans, Persians, and Arabians formalised astrology to interpret these connections ordained in the heavens. The movements of the planetary spheres were believed to be divinely co-ordinated as a dance in the sky and open to prediction as they studied their trajectory. It was thought by Pythagoras that these celestial spheres created music as they moved, each to their own harmonic. Our connection to this music creates an inner harmony within us, our place within, and to the world around us, as part of the ever evolving cosmos. Astrology has became a divine mechanism that allowed us mere mortals to be privy to celestial sequences that influenced our bodies and shaped events as our earthly lives, past, present and future, synchronised with the moving planets above in the heavens in an eternal karmic dance.

The Hindu deity, Shiva, in one of his best-known forms, is the Nataraja, the Cosmic Dancer, and maybe a familiar image to some when he performs his dynamic cosmic dance.  The cosmic dance of Shiva symbolises the interplay of dynamic and static divine energy flow, containing the five principles of eternal energy - creation, preservation, destruction, illusion and emancipation. There are two cosmic dances one of destruction and one of ecstatic bliss. Natarajasana, Lord of the Dance pose, is one of the many postures or asanas in Yoga and requires balance and strength to accomplish it. 

Yogic philosophy, which is taken primarily from Hindu, Jain and Buddhist texts, remind us that our bodies, mind and spirit are part of a universal whole where every single atom is connected to the heavenly bodies in the universe. Astrology takes the philosophy further by understanding the movement of the planets, and our two luminaries, the sun and moon, and how their cosmic energy influences our bodily atoms, consciousness, and our lives. This is traditional astrology. Modern astrology applies psychological interpretations to birth chart analysis based on Carl G Jung’s work on archetypes that in turn has its roots in eastern mysticism and astrology. 

Fritjof Capra, in his book ‘The Tao of Physics’ stated, “Every subatomic particle not only does an energy dance, but is also an energy dance; a pulsating process of creation and destruction...without end... For the modern Physicists, then, Shiva’s dance is the dance of subatomic matter.” This simple statement highlights our interconnectedness with the universe on every level of existence and how the cosmos is always dancing.

Astrology and Yoga are ancient practices that derive from early civilisations’ understanding of their environment and their place within it. My work as The Cosmic Dancer serves both disciplines in to a singular and interconnected consultation and practice to challenge perceptions of self, unlock potential and change perspectives.

With this understanding, I have studied and practiced yoga and astrology for over twenty years and offer services combining both wisdoms. I practice psychological and karmic astrology using birth data and transits to offer insight in to one's psyche and look for patterns of behaviour that may be deeply rooted in childhood and beyond. I also look at your potential and talents that gives guidance on what may empower you to be the best you can be, while being at peace with yourself as you journey through life..

Join me in the cosmic dance that is life and let the dancing cosmos guide you to find your destiny…


Sandy, The Cosmic Dancer